
Piscean Stellium Astro-Tip: Hold Fast unto to the Mast!

Tie into the resolute strength of Saturn now in steady Scorpio in positive trine to Chiron, Venus, and Mercury in Pisces. Do you feel thrown around by the waves? Hold fast to the mast! Seek the gem amidst the rubble! By steadying your mind, you can better take advantage of the Moon transiting today through ‘get it done Capricorn’ in creative sextile to the Piscean

Astro Tips, Pisces, Sun Signs|

Astro-Tip: Mars in Aries

Feeling relieved? 5 planets – the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Chiron and Neptune—are still in Pisces, Mercury continues to be retrograde as is Saturn, so better to maintain an active meditation, but Mars slipped into Aries, upsetting the applecart and lighting a welcome fire after so much water! If you have not already begun, do some serious spring cleaning. Spring is knocking at the door. If


The forecast reads transiting Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn. ByMarch 19th , transiting Uranus will tie into the equation making that “anything can happen anywhere” square we’ve experienced on and off now for almost 2 years especially volatile. On the 20th, the transiting Moon in Cancer completes the square forming a Grand Power Cross. We’re skirting mines again. But the advantage here is

Aries, Astro Tips, Sun Signs|


The Sun is just about to slip into Taurus, but Mercury, Uranus and Mars are still in volatile Aries, adding fuel to the fire of the Uranus/Pluto square defining this time of unexpected violence and breakthroughs So, If you would rise to victory rather than submit to failure, radiate peace rather than engage in senseless argumentation and discord, be the master of your fate rather

Aries, Astro Tips, Sun Signs|

Taurus Astro-Tip: What is next? Multiple planets in Taurus

Taurus Astro-Tip: With the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in immovable Taurus, what is next? Siddhartha who became the Buddha came when the Sun was in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio. The world was illumined. But some heavy weight bad guys came in Taurus –Hitler, Marx, Hussein and Lenin for starts, Why? Surprisingly, misuse of power is not Taurus’ central theme. Rather, Taurus awakens

Aquarian Moon Astro-Tip: How to know that you know

The Moon continues its transit through Aquarius today. What lesson can we learn? Since the Moon stimulates subconscious, unrecognized habit patterns, let’s see how today’s lunar transit can help us gain greater emotional self-mastery. When the Moon is in Aquarius, by birth, progression or by transit, we typically assume, to a greater or lesser measure, a know it all attitude. Now, when we think we

Taurus Astro-Tip: The Cause of Common Neck Problems!

Reports of neck problems, injuries and discomforts are coming in again. Taurus rules the neck. Stiff-necked is an adjective describing someone who is stubborn, inflexible, arrogant and unwilling to look at themselves and change. Neck problems in Taurus are often symptomatic of entrenched selfish attitudes, intense desires, addictions and rebellious stances that hurt us and hurt others. Such unloving mind-sets are at times obvious but

Astro Tips, Sun Signs, Taurus|

Gemini Astro-Tip: How much can you juggle?

Gemini Astro-Tip: How much can you juggle? 05 Jun 2013 Comments Off in Astro Tip, Featuredby Kathie Garcia A friend who described her current state of mind as being “discombobulated” wrote: “I have so much to do and too many thoughts are flying around and I don’t know what to do first.” A steady Taurus, she’s not used to the bombardment of sounds, thoughts, information

Astro Tips, Gemini, Sun Signs|


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