Taurus Astro-Tip:
With the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in immovable Taurus, what is next? Siddhartha who became the Buddha came when the Sun was in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio. The world was illumined. But some heavy weight bad guys came in Taurus –Hitler, Marx, Hussein and Lenin for starts, Why? Surprisingly, misuse of power is not Taurus’ central theme. Rather, Taurus awakens core rebelliousness. Have you seen anything in your life this month that honestly speaking is the fly in the ointment, the despotic control of the shadow self whose manna is fear? Let go of it once and for all! And let the earth touching mantra of Siddhartha who became Gautama Buddha, Vajra! grant us the peace that comes from resolving to not be moved by any force from within or from without.