Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only Light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only Love can do that.” Martin Luther King Jr.

My son Eugenio García’s store in Los Angeles was broken into and ransacked by rioters last week. His fiancée Anna Pitman, told me that Eugenio had been in and out of the store throughout that day. I thank God that he was not there when this occurred. Nonetheless, when he returned to the store the next day to access the damage, he was assaulted and surrounded in the parking lot. I will spare you the horrifying details. He barely escaped, but was struck on the head. I know he was but one among so many victims of this calculated assault upon our freedom. I am heartened that in the midst of it all, Eugenio quoted Martin Luther King Jr— my son knows the power of Love. As devastating as this experience has been, he has not succumbed to fear, anger nor malice, nor has he forgotten who he is and what he stands for—the Victory always of the Power of Light and Love.

I confess, that my heart is heavy, grieving as never before, seeing the mass destruction in our cities, the rioting and looting, the murders and loss of life. This violence must end!

And so, as I meditate upon the current astrology and that upcoming, testing our nation’s resolve to remain the “land of the free and the home of the brave,” my message to myself, my family and my fellow Americans is this—Courage! Take heart, be neither deceived nor afraid. We are finishing the first quadrant of the Solar Year, begun at Spring Equinox when the Sun entered Aries. Courage is an Aries quality of heart, the fire of heart that will not be intimidated nor enslaved by fear, nor incited, nor provoked, but fortified by powerful convictions, strengthened by love and enfired to transcend the former lesser self, is patient, bold, immovable—come what may. On June 28th, Mars will move out of Pisces (the testing of our Faith) and move into Aries. Mars will remain in Aries throughout 2020.  Anger, aggression, rage (misuses of Aries fire), destruction of property and life, anarchy and murder—terrorism— is not the way to positive change.

Courage! Patience! Fortitude!

I am mindful that it was during the month of June, when the Sun was in Gemini (entering Cancer on Summer Solstice) that Thomas Jefferson penned what would become The Declaration of Independence. So much happened that June—imagine! On June 7th, 1776, Richard Henry Lee of Virginia proposed the resolution of independence of the 13 colonies to the Continental Congress gathered in Philadelphia; the motion was seconded by John Adams. On June 11th, the “Committee of Five” was formed—Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman and Robert R. Livingston—to draft a declaration of independence. Jefferson, at the request of the committee, worked on the document between June 12th and 27th.  His “fair copy” was read before Congress on June 28th. Congress declared independence on July 2nd even as the British fleet moved into New York Harbor. Up until July 4th, some revisions were made, but the spirit of the document was preserved throughout. On July 4th, 1776, Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. In doing so, what would become The United States of American was born—What courage! What resolve! What faith in holy purpose! These early patriots, our founding fathers, knew that they were putting their lives and fortunes on the line.

The colonies were so different one from the other that it is said they were almost like separate countries, but all rose above their differences united by their love of Liberty, a cause none doubted was backed by God. Today we must do no less! People abroad spoke of the new race created—a meritocracy, never known nor heard of in recorded history, where one could forge his/her own destiny through merit and character, thereby rightfully earning one’s happiness and fortune.

The day President Donald J Trump was born (June 14th, 1946) the Sun was in Gemini and the Moon in Sagittarius, a Lunar Eclipse—just as happened this past June 5th (the beginning of an eclipse series, lasting 6 months). Three days earlier, Trump crossed Lafayette Square to hold up his mother’s Bible in front of Saint John’s church. An act of supreme courage and leadership.  I, for one, stand with President Trump, with the Patriots, with all my loving brothers and sisters in America and across the world—friends of freedom in their own struggles around the globe looking to the United States’ victory.


Aquarius in the Age of Love, Brotherhood and Freedom, the culture of the divine mother. Love exposes hatred. Freedom is born of self-discipline. License is not freedom.

Saturn is in Aquarius (soon to retrograde back into Capricorn); Be ready to stand for freedom—not lawlessness and terrorism, do not ever confuse (Neptune & Mars now in Pisces) the two. In November, both Jupiter and Saturn will join in Aquarius. Love, as always, is the key and a powerful sword.

Jupiter & Pluto in Capricorn conjoined Saturn: Judgment—keep your eye on the Michael Flynn case, Obamagate. One event after another is being staged and executed to distract our attention from this exposure of truth, from justice being served, from the people actually grasping the enormity of shocking levels of corruption and misuse of power.

Throughout the rest of 2020: Tr. Neptune opposes USA natal Neptune: be not deceived, guilt is the flip-side of fear. Pray that your faith be strengthened, pray for peace.  and the Transiting Neptune and the Gemini-Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse activate the natal USA Mars-based T-square : resentment and revenge a sign of weakness and a lack of forgiveness. He who has a rolling momentum of forgiveness is victorious and knows peace. Mars in Gemini challenge —aggressive fake news seeks to create division among us, not just between races and political parties, but even among community, friends and family members. Be on guard. But Mars is part of a Grand Air Trine in USA chart, with its apex being the Moon in Aquarius: the unquenchable Spirit of Freedom and Love of Liberty unite a diversity of peoples as one.

Draw a line: Keep your mind clear of all that would distort your perception and interfere with your mind’s clear seeing.

Those officials, politicians, actors and their voices in the mainstream media complicit in this violence hate America. Make no mistake about it.

Call forth the power of that peace that passeth understanding (Philippian’s 4:7).

In the penumbra of the 2022, Pluto Return in Capricorn (USA 2nd house of income) : working to rebuild a sound economy.  Placing the economy on a sound foundation. Pluto retrograde: correcting (not redoing) mistakes of the past.

June 21st, Summer Solstice—Solar Eclipse 0 degrees Cancer: the divine Mother (culture of the Aquarian Age) crushes the head of the snake (Satan) as prophesized—the Victory of Good over Evil. Meditate upon this:“I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel” (Gen 3:15).

June 27th, Mars enters Aries until January 7th, 2021:  Courage, fortitude, self-control. Be true to who you really are, know who you are, be heart-centered! (Aries relates to the Heart Chakra)

I close with these words of wisdom from the book of Tao: “Courage expressed through daring is likely to lead to death; Courage restrained through caution will continue the journey of life. This is the tao of courage, daring versus self-restraint; each decisive moment can yield love or hate.”  For the entire tractate, see http://divinetao.com/dt_73_courage.htm

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