The May 7th Scorpio Full Moon at Wesak, which honors the enlightenment of the Buddha, set the tone not only for the next two weeks (until the Gemini New Moon on May 22nd), but actually until the Taurus Full Moon on October 31st—just days before the next Presidential election. Now, it is said that soon after the Buddha became enlightened, a Brahmin passerby was so taken by the Buddha’s extraordinary aura of peace and light radiance that he asked not “What is your name?” but rather “What are you? (ie. are you human or a god?) to which Buddha answered, “I am awake.”

Friends, let us enter fully into the spirit this Lunation celebrates. Yes, it’s emotionally intense, such is the nature of the Scorpio Moon—purge, purify, awaken and be transformed. Anyone with any degree of soul-sensitivity feels the collective pain but let us focus on the good and take heart. As 19th century astrologer Alan Leo once wrote: “The sting of the Scorpion must be extracted before upward progress in the following signs can be accomplished.” In your personal life and in that of the nation, think: Purgative transformations lead to a major transfiguration and new birth.

As we take a look at the rest of May, remember the basics that have not changed. First and foremost, we are transitioning rapidly into the next phase of the Aquarian Age, the age of universal Love and Freedom. Signs are everywhere. Keep positive, calm and steadfast, keeping always the faith and vision of a brighter, better future for which you’re willing to take a stand! Now zoom back in on a more recent date: January 12th, 2020, when the Capricorn Megaconjunction (the meeting of five planets in Capricorn) peaked. This ushered in an extraordinary time of purging, judgment, reconstruction, achievement and spiritual regeneration. Keep in mind that Capricorn relates to power, its uses and its misuses. Mid-February this year, Mars entered Capricorn and by mid-March joined Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto (the three major players), accelerating the process, and suddenly we found ourselves living life quite differently. Whether we recognized it or not, we were squarely in the throes of an “informational” battle. Biological warfare was/is a last-ditch weapon, part of a larger war threatening to divide us when the future of our nation, our wealth, well-being and personal happiness and that of generations to come depends upon national courage, individuality and our union!  The stakes are high, higher than many yet realize. (See earlier 2020 blog posts for more detail written at the time).

Zeroing in, keep focused upon Saturn and Pluto still tightly conjoined throughout 2020. We have seen these two planets closely aligned during the American Revolution and the Civil War. They haven’t been conjoined in Capricorn for hundreds of years, but the potency of the combination in past history has changed the course of civilization. One striking example is Hernan Cortes’ march into Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City).

One of many lessons we can apply: save the children! As I have oft mentioned, we as a people are karmically vulnerable through the continual practice of abortion, through black magic and the ritualistic abuse of children. (The Aztecs practiced human sacrifice and cannibalism).

By the third week of March, Jupiter in Capricorn closely conjoining Pluto and Saturn began to exponentially expand the incredible opportunity at hand. (Yes, Saturn currently at 01 and 00 degrees Aquarius, is still conjoined Pluto and will slip back into Capricorn on July 2nd). Saturn in Aquarius brings up the uses and misuses of technology, space exploration, science and the like. Do you ever feel like we’ve been through this before (ie. past ages)? No wonder so many of us identified with Star Wars!

We are closing in on yet another cycle of tremendous import, the USA’s first Pluto Return, which will peak in February 2022.  A strong economic revival, a return to fundamental principles and values that work will set our course for centuries (more on this in future articles).

More May notes (until May 20th, when the Sun ingresses from Taurus into Gemini):

**The march of the annual retrogrades continues: less than a week after the Sun entered Taurus, Pluto went retrograde in Capricorn (April 25th to October 5th); Saturn retrograde in Aquarius follows (May 11th to September 29th), then Venus goes retrograde in Gemini (May 13th to June 25th) and Jupiter goes retrograde in Capricorn (May 14th to September 12th). A curious observation, in March and April the country and much of the world shut down, going within (a retrograde theme), then as Pluto went retrograde, other planets following, we are returning to work and to a fuller social life, but when you consider so much that was accomplished in the last two months, it’s really astonishing.

Retrogrades demand approaching life differently. You might say we are returning so that we can move forward on sounder ground. Retrogrades offer opportunity to correct past mistakes—note the recent dismissal of the criminal charges against Michael Flynn. Know that tests not passed before may repeat themselves. See this not as conundrum but as a second chance to succeed! Avoid repeating the same mistakes! Let us be ever more intuitive, working on deeper levels, using technology for significant research toward positive ends. As the Spring, then Summer progress, I suspect we will go even deeper, tying into universal truths that bond us. But let us not slumber nor slacken the pace, nor put off for some unknown future what must be handled now!

**Tuesday, May 6thThe Moon in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus—Shake up, wake up, be not disturbed but let the chips fall where they may!

**Wednesday, May 7thThe Full Moon at Wesak: Many proclaim the meditation (and purging) of this Lunation to be the most important Full Moon of the Year. Pay attention: that which is revealed during the next two weeks may well set the stage for November’s election! Some stuff may be disturbing. No mind. Attune with the heart’s wisdom. The answers you seek are within you but you must be willing to dig deeply, to get to the cause and core of inner and outer imbalances and endure pain in order to find true healing and access your inner creativity. Be not afraid to love.
The Sun in Taurus relates to personal income, values and sense of self-worth. The Full Moon in Scorpio deals with joint finances, banking institutions, real estate, national currency and monetary systems, etc.).
As he sat beneath the Bodhi tree in profound meditation, Siddhartha who became the Buddha touched the ground in the ‘earth-touching mudra’ and declared his worthiness to fulfill his divine destiny and calling—Vajra!!   Know that you are worthy—inner messages to the contrary point to places of pain that can and need to be addressed and healed. Be kind when you discover barriers that you’ve erected to protect yourself from pain but which shut out the love you need. Know there is light at the end of the tunnel! Buddha gave us the key, as true now as it was 2500 years ago when he proclaimed ‘I Am Awake!’

Favorable Winds at Wesak, 2020 (see chart): The Full Moon in Scorpio forms a Grand Trine with transiting Neptune in Pisces and the USA July 4th, 1776 natal chart Sun at 13 degrees Cancer conjoined the Fixed Star Sirius. The eyes of the world are upon us. This is the signature of the abundant life, the Mother energy, the promise of the United States of America, as above so below! Also, the Sun and Mercury in Taurus in favorable aspect to Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn bode well for getting back to work. In addition, keep your eye on the de-classified material coming to light, the many sources of truth that are emerging daily. With national and worldwide awakening comes the possibly of exciting long-term solutions, setting the groundwork for the Aquarian model of peace and prosperity.

Challenging opportunities at Wesak, 2020:  The challenge of the Venus-based T-Square in Gemini is to rise above distraction, fake news, information being thrown at us from all directions, the main stream media attempting and having succeeded for a time in dividing us, pitting brother against brother. Be on guard against all attempts to delude our minds and to engulf us in fogs of fear and panic (Transiting Neptune in Pisces opposing Neptune in the USA natal chart in Virgo square transiting Venus in Gemini). Note that Venus remains in Gemini until August 8th! Now we are rightly challenged to examine all information with an objective mind and critical reasoning. Thankfully, many are rising above the chaos, confusion, the dissonance and barrage of information.

See in the chart how the Constitution which defines our liberty, our nation and protects our rights is challenged (transiting Neptune exactly conjoining the USA Constitution’s natal Saturn). Patriots, this is a battle we must win!

Especially if you were born around this time of the month in May (Taurus), August (Leos), November (Scorpios) or February (Aquarians) or were born with your Rising Sign or planets between 13 and 22 degrees in these Fixed-Love signs this Wesak Full Moon likely will challenge you. Formulate the most important question pressing upon your heart? If you seek in earnestness and love, determined to ‘act’ rather than to ‘react,’ know your question will be answered.  To hear, to recognize the answer you must restore through love your inner hearing. To be awake is to be attuned!

Note: Venus in Gemini (Information, media, communication, brothers & sisters) until August 8th! What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom?  Discernment is key. Union is essential. Here, also, we see the whistle-blowers, declassified information coming to light, as well as some of the devious tactics of deception attempting to “spin the narrative” and cover up the truth.

Breathe yogically, deeply, stay focused and let not your heart be troubled Question all through the heart’s wisdom and the objective reasoning mind. Beware of gossip, scandal, diversion and dissipation of energies. Keep focused. Weed out lies as you would noxious weeds. The next two weeks may not be the best time for taking  financial risks, nor to commit in intimate relationships unless these have come through the test of time.

**Mars continues in Aquarius until May 13th: At the heart of the tension this Mars-based T-Square represents, I see people the world around joining in the fight for freedom. Here in the USA, the attorney general wrote in a recent memorandum that “the Constitution is not suspended in times of crises” The people are protesting the trampling upon their rights as American citizens by local governors and authorities overstepping the bounds of their lawful authority.

** May 13th through June 28th Mars in Pisces: Who can you lend a helping hand to? Look at all challenges as opportunities to gain self-mastery. Let not doubt enter and weaken your mind and your resolve.

** May 13th to 20ththe transiting Sun in Taurus trines the Jupiter/Pluto/Saturn conjunction: this window augurs well for the nation, perhaps opening travel as well as businesses. Even with all the retrogrades happening now, don’t think ‘back to normal,’ but like working your garden in the Spring, removing the rocks and noxious weeds as you nurture new crops. Did your soul searching under the Wesak Moon lead you to the discovery of inner resources you didn’t even know you had? I suspect so!

This May, as the Sun transits in Taurus until the 20th of the month, seek the heart’s wisdom, understanding born of diligent seeking, detachment from personal desire, objective and peaceful reasoning. Let us not react blindly as Taurean bulls to the news and events ever swirling around us but let us, in the spirit of Buddha, proclaim Vajra! I have a right to fulfill my divinely ordained destiny.

Individually and collectively, we must gain our mastery over our emotions and deep-seated pain, even hidden, unconscious anger by finding strength in founding principles, honest understanding and sustained through faith in divine purpose ever active in our lives. As truth continually exposes webs of lies and deception, let us, in love and in gratitude, embrace our differences and move forward as one people united in Liberty.

The Sun enters Gemini on the 2oth – A shifting of gears See The Three Magi Astrology upcoming Gemini Astro-Alert to cover, the upcoming Lunar Eclipse in June and more!!

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