Sun Signs

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Are you or is someone you love a Leo? Leo decanates (0-10,11-20 & 21-30 degrees of Leo) differentiate one Lion from another! All born July 23rd to Aug 2nd are double dosed Leos, fiery and strong! Those born Aug 3rd to Aug. 12th are Leo/Sagittarians, their leadership is born of

2019-10-24T17:38:46+00:00Leo, Sun Signs|


How wondrous to look into the eyes of the newborn child! At that magical moment we are reminded of worlds we have forgotten, dimensions of light we have left behind so that we could master our own! Leos always retain something of that innocence; they sparkle with irresistible joy and

2019-10-24T17:39:00+00:00Leo, Sun Signs|


Remember the summer’s 3 defining configurations; the first is the Uranus/Pluto square which rocks our world, anything can happen anytime, the second is Saturn in Libra drawing to a close in October, the third is Neptune conjoined Chiron in Pisces, bringing up buried records and from the past so we

2019-10-24T17:14:16+00:00Cancer, Planets, Sun Signs, Venus|

How to get through anything!

Spiritual preparedness; ask yourself the question, the most important pressing question you could ever ask, “Who am I?” and the question that logically follows, “Why am I here?” You would think that every person on earth would one time or another ask themselves this but the shocker is that to

2019-11-26T21:45:32+00:00Sun Signs|

When prediction falls by the wayside!

Relationship lies at the bedrock of being. As promised, let us explore that primary relationship, between man here below in time and space, and beings of light, Elohim, angels and other ascended beings, who populate “that which is above.”  Just imagine Moses going to Pharaoh on a heavenly edit, knowing

2019-11-26T21:47:14+00:00Sun Signs|

Cosmic Accountability in Virgo

Now that the Sun has entered Virgo, a certain cosmic accountability takes place. Meanwhile, transiting Saturn finishing its transit in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn in the USA Conceptual Chart in the 2nd house, yes, of income, but also of values. The USA’s progressed Moon and Mars conjoin at 18

2019-10-24T17:43:43+00:00Sun Signs, Virgo|

Weather the Pisces Full Moon!

Don’t let this Full Moon catch you by surprise! For many people the Virgo Sun/Pisces Full Moon can be the most difficult of all Lunations to weather. This influence can stir up grumblings, anger against the arrows of outrageous fortune, why me? and solar plexus explosions that solve no problem


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