Relationship lies at the bedrock of being. As promised, let us explore that primary relationship, between man here below in time and space, and beings of light, Elohim, angels and other ascended beings, who populate “that which is above.”  Just imagine Moses going to Pharaoh on a heavenly edit, knowing he was guilty in Egypt of having killed a man and that he was “not eloquent in speech.” A stutterer? Perhaps. In Homer’s The Odyssey Odysseus had all the marking of a Hero, including his dialogs with Pallas Athena who sponsored him, but ouch! He had hubris, pride, and even she could not help him divest himself of the consequences of his arrogance. He who is truly humble is free and being free is not subject to the cycles of karmic prediction prophesied through Astrology as is another who  thinking himself free,  is more imprisoned by his ego than he can imagine!

How about when the giant Philistine Goliath bellows to the young David, “Come unto me and I will give thy flesh to the fowls of the air and the beasts of the field.” Going through tough times? Remember David’s reply: “the battle is the Lords!” and “This day he will deliver you into my hands.” (1 Samuell17:44) David’s heart beat with the fearlessness born of unswerving faith!

Centuries later, the maid Joan of Arc heeded the voice of St. Michael and against all odds, led France into Victory, risking walking that thin line between heroism and perceived madness! Consider also in 1541, Juan Diego pleaded with the beautiful heavenly lady, later recognized as the first apparition of the blessed Mother Mary in the Americas, “I am not important. Pick someone else.” She appeared as a young woman of about 14 years, he being older naturally advised her on the impossibility of getting results by sending him, an insignificant peasant, to the Bishop in the capital of Tenochtitlan. But who is man, who knows not who he is, to dictate to heavenly beings? Juan Diego was the one and upon the story the rest of Mexican History unfolds!

George Washington knew that without Providence this venture, passionately declared in the Declaration of Independence, of his rag tag army taking on the English military might, at that time the greatest in the world, was sheer foolishness. The early patriots reasoned that Liberty was a worthwhile cause, God would be on their side.

Longfellow’s Hiawatha wrestled with an angel, much like Jacob of old, and won, the angel’s remains went into the earth and from them sprung corn, the sustenance of the people. The most extreme times in our lives, when it appears that all will be lost, are so often the most miraculous. Such times humble us and remind us of who we really are!