The Sun and Venus meet in Libra, the sign of intimate encounters. What’s your favorite love story? They met in an elevator at college, they hardly had time to exchange phone numbers; they’ve been together since high school, she was dating his best friend—hey, they just celebrated their 30th anniversary, it was destiny! He came to the office to make good on a lunch date that stood him up, would she like to go? What was his name? Joseph. Well, why not? Hmm, a psychic had told her she would marry a man named Joseph. They tied the knot a few months later! In January,1950, twenty-two-year-old Shirley Temple met ex-Navy Intelligence Officer Charles Black in Hawaii. She loved that he had never heard of her, hard to imagine, she was such a star on the mainland. They married before the year was up. My favorite—he saw her at the airport, knew she was the one, changed his ticket to be on the same flight, paid the guy sitting next to her fifty bucks to change seats; the whirlwind was a bit much for her, would her mother approve? Four kids later!