Mercury continues to be retrograde in Scorpio. Sometimes when things seemingly don’t work out, they work out perfectly! Stay attuned. Yesterday’s potent Solar Eclipse in Scorpio reveals what could not be seen before. The ongoing Uranus/Pluto square continues but is less exact, so hopefully, for now, tremors that break up will not be earthquakes that destroy. Be not discouraged. Exposure is inevitable. Subterfuge still abounds but is apparent by its very simplicity. The real problem comes with Neptune– the crafting of illusion, scandals geared to divert attention from what matters, but moreso, worry, discouragement and the fear to see. Let us dare to see, dare to do. Beware of welcoming modern day Rasputins bringing hope veiled in lies. An Eastern Adept once gave this rule of thumb, good for life but indispensable in Scorpio – Right Reason. Right Motive. Right Cause.