Mercury—whether stationary, retrograde and direct—rules Gemini! So, make the most of the current Mercury in Gemini retrograde period lasting until June 11th. Be nimble, be quick, be flexible, check all appointments, schedules, tickets, etc. etc. etc. Misunderstandings are part of the package, so get your info straight, Details matter and yet so many of them need to be scratched out. Being that Mars and the Sun are also in Gemini, you have the opportunity to get much done quickly and efficiently. The key is staying focused. So, in the inevitable multi-tasking that is part of what Gemini is all about, here, there and everywhere, remember the indispensable tool to maintaining order, and sanity—make a list! But then cross out all that is unessential. Prioritize, juggle, keep it simple. Clear communication is a most, but don’t count on receiving it. Most of all, keep your peace regardless! With some exceptions, this mercurial phase is usually more propitious for research, tweaking, perfecting and completing old spirals, defining new plans. Mercury retrograde demands a more feminine, intuitive, meditative approach.