Sensitivity is heightened during the Pisces Moon.  Being psychically sensitive helps those born with this lunar placement easily put themselves in another person’s shoes; they often are of all people the most empathetic, compassionate and understanding. But picking up on energy indiscriminately can be maddening; where is it coming from? what does it mean? During the Pisces Moon practicing being peaceful rather than reactive is a worthwhile exercise while many prefer to retreat to maintain peace within themselves. Avoid becoming excessively yin  now. To effectively manage potential emotional swings and dips of despondency, make joy a choice rather than an option! A tendency to worry and brood often can be overcome by somehow helping another help him/herself. Guilt has its place but during the Pisces Moon tends to dampen the mood rather than awaken the soul to redemption. Tune into the healing potential of today’s Sun in Cancer trine Moon in Pisces –reflection, recollection, faith and abundance!