Aug. 2nd through 12th we enter the Sagittarius decanate of the Leo Sun Cycle; All Leos radiate a measure of Fire of Heart but Leos born during these dates receive the additional influence of Fire of Mind, as do we all, regardless of Sun Sign during these dates. Essential to expressing love is our use of language. Words unite us and divide us. Leos are warm and engaging by nature but they can also be blunt to a fault. Their words do not always convey their true feelings. They can be impatient with others who don’t cut to the quick. But Leos are natural artists and all art requires technique as well as inspiration. So we kick off this time with Helen Collier’s tips for communicating lovingly and effectively:

“We continue “The Thirty Three Traits of a Pleasing Personality”

5. Common Courtesy – politeness, good manners, appropriate words or behavior. A gracious way of speaking and acting which gives others a feeling of being valued and respected.

6. Tactfulness-Kind words and ways of saying things, trying not to hurt people’s feelings or embarrass them. You tell the truth kindly, with consideration for how your words will affect others. It is knowing what to say and what is better left unsaid. You think before you speak.

Being abrasively blunt in Leo is symptomatic of hardness of heart; the soul’s guard against pain which evolves into insensitivity, the heart is blocked! Behind the heart is fear. When the Leo Lion allows himself to be emotionally open and warm, letting down his fear of being vulnerable, his true nobility and strength shines brightly!

7. Pleasing Tone of Voice: Friendly and sincere tone, not a sarcastic, angry, irritated or “put-downish” tone.

8. Pleasing Facial Expression & 9. Habit of Smiling: Along with a pleasant tone, you can smile or show a concerned, friendly, pleasant expression. Do not express sullenness, contempt, insincerity or unconcern.