Pluto was last in Capricorn in the years preceding and during the American Revolutionary War, times of great tension and of great hope. George Washington’s advice for those times rings true today: “We must never despair; our situation has been compromising before, and it has changed for the better; so I trust it will again. If difficulties arise, we must put forth new exertion and proportion our efforts to the exigencies of the times”

Perhaps you noticed that Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year and the kick off date for the 2010 summer season, came in with a bang setting the tone for an extraordinary three month forecast! But before I spell out the specific planetary alignments dominating the scene, let’s keep it simple – if you had one hope and one hope alone for yourself it might be that you find yourself in the right place at the right time with the right people, centered in your heart and working out your destiny to the best of your ability. My hope for the planet is that enough good people wake up and make a difference on time!

People look to astrology to predict upcoming events and certainly interpreting the cycles is a major part of the Astrologer’s job description. Astrological prediction can be understood as a kind of prophecy but what is not always taken into account by most people is that even as negative prophecy is meant to fail, destiny is not always realized. The times are tough indeed, the world news often feels overwhelming as worldwide events juxtaposition for many people with the daily struggle to make ends meet, bring up children, nourish a marriage, contribute to their community and develop their careers. An elixir of courage and hope, joy and faith is the universal prescription. In the words of Winston Churchill “Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.”

The Cardinal Cross, composed of the Capricorn/Cancer and Aries/Libra polarities is a powerful dynamic. It’s all about how we work out our collective and individual destinies in times and space. Aries translates as “me” while Aries’ opposite, Libra represents relationships, “you and me.” Cancer relates to “my home” especially “my mother” and can be extended to represent our relationship to the nation to which we belong. Capricorn relates to “my career and reputation” with special reference to the father, other important authority figures in our lives and the government, its officials, rules and ordinances, consequences and demands. This is where the action is happening this summer — on this cross and in these areas of our lives.

While just 5 years ago, I would read a chart and then add a note concerning world issues or what astrologers in the last century commonly referred to as “conditions beyond my control” — socio-political uprisings, ecological disasters and the like, mass movements. But we can no longer hold the world at arms length. The world is at our doorsteps and coming closer every day!

So, here are the specifics. First of all, Saturn which entered Libra October, 2009 retrograded back into Virgo April 6th. If you recall, during Saturn’s two year sojourn in Virgo (9/2007 to 10/2009) bridges collapsed as did levees. How many times, the most recent being the horrendous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, have we read in the headlines that someone foresaw the disaster and recommended the necessary repairs, upkeep, whatever was needed but which was ignored due to lack of funds? It’s tough, I know, but make your list of what has to be fixed in your arena– the car, the roof, your teeth, etc. – prioritize and just do it! Saturn rolls into Libra July 22nd taking its place once more and completing the Power Cross.

A twenty year old college student I know once told her Libra mother who was nursing a broken heart at the time “Why are you pining away? Love hasn’t disappeared, it’s been rearranged! We still love you, come out! Don’t you know by now the secret of Libra is to position yourself in the eye of the Hurricane?” I pass on to you, dear reader, this timeless wisdom, believe me, we’ll need it come August! On a wider note, Libra deals with the Law and with laws so we’re apt to see plenty of activity related to legal affairs, propositions, reforms and the like.

Uranus entered Aries after an almost 7 year stay in Pisces May 28th. Moreover, Jupiter entered Aries June 7th, making this aspect the summer’s signature conjunction; think new beginnings, breakthroughs, revelation, fun travel…vacation, anyone? We may end up thanking the very problems we bemoaned for the ingenious solutions that appear because of them!

On the other hand, watch out for fires and for earthquakes. You might say, these are the forces beyond our control, fine, but a client called me just this week and related that her 13 year old daughter left a candle burning in her room before she left for camp. Good thing Mom decided to check out her room on time!

Jupiter and Uranus in Aries lend chutzpah to the summer breeze. You might feel young and carefree, ready for sports, hikes and other types of summer enjoyment. Before you take off, do make sure you take care of those responsibilities and bills, they won’t disappear! Impulsive actions lead to accidents that could have been avoided. No superstitions, simply a word to the wise.

Now, what about the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the Power Cross? The June 26th Partial Lunar Eclipse is at four degrees Capricorn, closely squaring transiting Uranus and Jupiter in Aries. Lunar Eclipses only occur during Full Moons. But that’s not all. Pluto, the bad guy of the Solar System is at 4 degrees Capricorn also. Eclipses last about 6 months. Eclipses create crisis. In early August Mars enters Libra, likely shaking up this dynamic.

If you want stability you may possibly be on the wrong planet, for the time being at least! Dramatic earth changes continue to be part of the menu for some years to come. The economy is looking better but despite the headlines, the roller coaster ride isn’t over yet! Hold unto your hats, this is the kind of forecast when the only certain thing is unexpected change!

Who’s personally affected? So many happenings occur on a massive scale that its nigh impossible to predict, but certainly all who were born in the third week of September (Sun in late Virgo, early Libra), March (Sun in late Pisces, early Aries), June (Sun in late Gemini, early Cancer) and December (Sun in late Sagittarius, early Capricorn). You’ll need to get a copy of your personal astrology to know if any other planetary position falls in these signs. Rest assured that the energy begins to shift by mid August and that the Autumn paints a different picture. Such a line up is a once in a lifetime happening for sure!

A Grand Cross will dominate the charts of babies born this summer, souls entering embodiment in a time of tremendous world change. The current astrology directly affects anyone born April, 1981 through September 1st. These young adults are coming into the first Saturn Return which signifies the ending of childhood and the beginning of the next 30 years of life. Whatever part of your past that is not meant to be part of your future will remain there! Those born any time from May, 1950 to Oct 1951 are hitting the second Saturn Return, a time of major re-evaluation of life’s meaning and life’s goals.

This summer is not the time to retreat! Let’s not shy away from conflict. Rather, let’s take the time to weigh the issues and to get involved. Eclipses create conflict, the Uranian energies, unexpected change, the Uranus/Jupiter//Saturn opposition a kind of tug of war requiring patience and a certain degrees of nonattachment to successfully weather. Conflict comes with the territory, from conflict comes resolution. Until there’s a problem, things tend to stay status quo. Which means, in a positive sense, that however small or great our sphere of influence might be, let us endeavor to make a constructive difference while we can! Far better to embrace the headlines, take a breath and accept that we can be up to the challenge whatever it is because we are part of the challenge and part of the solution.