Astro Tips

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Advent Astro-Tip: Light a candle of hope and peace!

In Sagittarius we reach toward the Star of our dreams; dreams of wonder, beauty, hope and peace. The arrow released flies beyond the horizon of worldly affairs and chaos. And so, the man of vision transcends the animal self whose instincts become skewed through wrong thought and choices. Sagittarius relates

2019-10-24T02:28:03+00:00Astro Tips|

Mayan Cosmogenesis

Astro-Series: Prophecies happening now! To begin to grasp the Maya Prophecies we have to restructure our perception of our relationship to the Sun, the stars and to our galaxy, itself a part of an expanding greater universe. A Mayan priest staring at the stars on winter solstice night, not only

2019-11-26T21:46:08+00:00Astro Tips|

Astro-Tip: Spiralactic Vision!

Most of what we observe as ‘changes,’ and we are witnessing, experiencing and very much a part of momentous changes defining our time, are effects and not causes. To perceive, to change causes themselves, to grasp where the Galactic Shift is already occurring, we need to learn to look beyond

2019-10-24T02:26:41+00:00Astro Tips|

Astro-Tip: People are Planets!

People in our lives play out the planetary potential within ourselves we often cannot see without the drama, without mirrors. Modern psychology likes to trace our problems back to our imperfect relationships with our parents. The story, however, is written in the chart even before the action takes place. Does

2019-10-24T17:54:30+00:00Astro Tips, Planets|

Astro-Tip: Mars in Aries

Feeling relieved? 5 planets – the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Chiron and Neptune—are still in Pisces, Mercury continues to be retrograde as is Saturn, so better to maintain an active meditation, but Mars slipped into Aries, upsetting the applecart and lighting a welcome fire after so much water! If you have


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