
Libra Astro-Tip: Clean your space, transform your life!

Whereas Virgo’s wisdom helps us bring order into our lives by knowing that everything has a place and there is a place for everything, in Libra we get rid of non-essentials. Begin with your physical space – if you don’t need it, get rid of it! Every item filling or removed from your space alters it energetically. Best –selling Feng Shei author Karen Kingston writes

Astro Tips, Libra, Sun Signs|

Libra Astro-Tip: what to do when reason and intuition clash.

Key: ask any musical virtuoso: Do you think while you are playing? The answer is almost invariably “no!”  You cannot be on the 10th floor and in the lobby at the same time! Intuition transcends reason and is the stuff of which wisdom is formed. Reason  does not always uphold the flashes of intuitive wisdom. This clash can lead to indecision, a common conundrum for

Astro Tips, Libra, Sun Signs|

Libra Astro-Tip: See Everyone you Meet as a Potential Teacher of Your Soul

Aries is the ‘me’ sign, at 0 degrees on the zodiacal wheel. Directly opposite Aries we find Libra, ‘the me and you’ sign at 180 degrees. In Aries we decide, “Which me do I choose to be?” In Libra, we meet the consequence of that decision in the relationships we attract to ourselves. See everyone you meet as a potential teacher of your soul, even

Astro Tips, Libra, Sun Signs|

Neptune Cafe on Mitt Romney

Neptune Cafe is a favorite resource for astrological info and insights on Presidential Candidates and on US Presidents. Although I do not agree that the US has a Scorpio Rising (Dane Rudhyar’s conclusion of a US Sagittarius Rising makes more sense) there’s plenty worth reading here. http://www.neptunecafe.com/romney.html

Saturn in Scorpio Astro-Tip: avoid excessive self-concern

Saturn entered Scorpio last Friday. Do you suddenly feel more resolute? In a time full of apocalyptic tales and challenges that defy the senses, Saturn in Scorpio, at least for a season, brings in some good news of hope, awareness, ingenious solutions that begin to resolve as well as to expose the major core causes behind the times we share. But Saturn here also revs


Whether uplifting or devastating, challenging or supportive, all close relationships bring us the opportunity to become love in greater measure. Nothing is by chance. Did you know that you can interpret the planets as people or people as planets? Why do certain people appear and/or disappear from our lives at precise times and junctions? An Astrological relationship consultation with The Three Magi helps you enhance


Astro-Relationship Tip: When Pluto Crosses The Ascendant

Beware of who you allow to enter your life and how you treat those with whom you are already involved when and if transiting Pluto conjoins your Ascendant! Pluto conjoining the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Venus are lesser but still powerful influnences, metamorphic if usually less explosive. During this period, which typically lasts about 2 years, you receive an opportunity like no other to

Libra Astro-Tip: Wrestling with the Beast

Inside the Beast a Prince lies hidden, but inside the Prince is also the Beast! “For better or for worse” in the marriage contract is a weighty vow. Strengthening commitment through life’s changing circumstance gets us through all the stronger but what about when the person you adore turns into your enemy or does the unthinkable? What about when Pluto is upon your own chart?

Astro Tips, Libra, Sun Signs|


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