clouds with light

Aquarius, Liberty and Justice for All

Aquarius is the Age of Universal Freedom, Brotherhood and Love. Now, squarely in the beginning decades of the Aquarian Age, we daily witness the pulsations of a worldwide great awakening—what an exciting time to be alive! Now, any new era or age (every 2000 or 2500 years) cyclically brings an influx of light energy, particular frequencies which translate into our lives as new possibilities and challenges. Such a tremendous influx of cosmic light energy shines in the darkness, not only illumining our minds but also exposing pockets of hatred, selfishness, ignorance and lust.  Such are the perversions of the signs of the Fixed-Love Cross: Aquarius/Leo, Taurus and Scorpio.

Note that on January 20th, the transiting Sun went into Aquarius, not coincidentally as we find ourselves in the last stages of the impeachment trial, this attack seemingly upon the president of the United States, but really upon the freedom-loving people of this great land. The powers that be are playing their hands very obviously. We also have a swelling within the hearts of people united crying out for freedom throughout the globe; in Iran, in Hong Kong, in France, within the USA. We saw tens of thousands, including the president of the United States, join to call for the end of abortion during the annual March for Life gathering last week. Now I ask you, what greater love is there than the love for the child?

More than 2000 years ago, at the beginning of the Piscean Age, Jesus, destined to be the great avatar of the age, was born to Joseph and Mary. Remember how Herod the Great felt threatened by news of the new king being born in Bethlehem, how he ordered the execution of all male children less than two years old? Fortunately, an angel warned Joseph in a dream of the impending danger and told him he needed to take the young child and his mother and flee into Egypt. When Herod’s men descended upon the city, Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus were gone. But what if they had not fled on time? And so, Trump alluded to the great souls waiting to born. So true.

clouds with light

As Aquarius advances, we are all challenged to expand the light of love within our hearts, to search deep within our souls that we might weed out any seeds and expressions of hatred, habits and cultural or familial programming of pride and arrogance, and the very hardness of heart, a numbness to block out pain, but alas, which blocks out love as well!  Such is the battle within the soul of each one and within the soul of the nation and the world.

At equinox Saturn, the Great Tester will enter this sign as well. No matter how you cast your vote in 2016, no matter with what political party you may have affiliated yourself and why, shun hatred, shun all that oppresses, represses, ie socialism in its many guises, get on the right side of love —in your heart, in your soul, in your close relationships, in your nation and your world. Seek to know and to be your real self, your self integrated with truth and higher purpose.

The intense hatred exploding all around us, epitomized by terrorism and by those who would destroy at any cost that which they do not like, which threatens them; Donald Trump, Jews, Christians, on and on….Love is powerful, Let us unite our hearts as one people, under God, indivisible, pledged to defend in honor, Liberty and Justice for all.