Beware of who you allow to enter your life and how you treat those with whom you are already involved when and if transiting Pluto conjoins your Ascendant! Pluto conjoining the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Venus are lesser but still powerful influnences, metamorphic if usually less explosive. During this period, which typically lasts about 2 years, you receive an opportunity like no other to wrestle with your own untransmuted shadow! Compulsion is the norm and easily leads you where you never thought you would go. Best case scenario: you emerge transformed. Sad case scenario: you become the darkness you chose not to resist! Then again, the Pluto person may be entering your arena to shake you up and wake you up, an unavoidable confrontation with past karma that if not unloaded later causes havoc. But, what about when your loved ones is under Pluto’s pull? You will see his/her underbelly like never before! You know that inside the Beast is a Prince. To stay or to end the relationship, that is the question we will explore in tomorrow’s post!

If you were born with Capricorn Rising between 5 to 10 degrees, you are under this influence now! Not sure? Call us at (406) 333-4804 to find out for free!